.::Update 9::.

Here’s Levi picking a prosperity fruit, hoping for a Fishing, but it was the wrong color and he’s got Athletic instead. Useless, I know!

So he went to the cemetery that night to improve it the old way as he wanted to catch a Deathfish.

Random guy shows up on our lot. It appears he’s also part Sollux by name – He’s Tori’s husband! And his name is Sean.

Nova greets uncle Sean.

And then she spills the sorrow of losing Tiger to him. Being the nice guy he is, he consoles Nova.

Abby can’t take it anymore and uses the Moodlet manager on herself. Wait, you had that thing with you the whole time and didn’t use it to cure others? D<

Dianne cheers – she’s about to age up to Adult.

Hello, wrinkles.

Tiny make-over.

Levi reads Nova a bedtime story. For some reason, she’s his favorite grandkid.

Oh, and Louie also ages up.

Yup dude. You’re getting older.

Back to Ed – he gets pottied. Because he’s also part of the family.

Ugly doll is ugly. Edward is laughing at it.

Money tree dropped a seed. 😀

Well, whoops! They both ended up being embarassed.

Nova boasts to her grandma that she’s taken interest in politics. Yus, politics are great! With voting and stuff! (yeah, I bed to differ)

Is this midlife crisis or Dianne plays hopscotch because she feels like it?

Edward finally learns to talk.

Well, another Perfect fish was added to the collection.

‘I never liked black goldfish’, whines Louie.

So, Nova has a new friend. Imaginary one. That creature creeps me out. x.x

The IF joined Nova in building sand castles.

Okay, that … THING is becoming rather annoying. Poor Nova! she keeps getting walked in while bathing! And this time by someone who doesn’t even exist! o.o

Now Ed learns to walk.

Then Dianne has a chat with him. He’s happy that he’s learned everything.

Oh. And with these, Levi completes his LTW! 😀

Dianne gets a promotion to Department head!

And then after coming home he looks at the old wooden table – this needs to be changed soon!

It’s Nova’s birthday!

She grows up with the ugliest hair ever and rolls Dramatic.

Makeover – obviously! So far Abby has a different idea about the hair.

As I said, better hair.

Ed also has his birthday. He rolls Athletic.

And gets a makeover. 😀

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